Why Should I Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney? 4 Reasons a Lawyer Can Help
A workers’ compensation attorney can help assist you in the event of issues with a workers’ compensation claim.
A workers’ compensation attorney can help you get compensated for on-the-job injuries after a specific workplace injury accident or illness.
Workers’ compensation is a state-mandated legal remedy that helps injured workers recover benefits following an injury on the job. Workers’ compensation helps protect both employees and employers.
Unless exempt by law, all employers must cover workers’ compensation benefits for employees injured in the course of their employment.
As an employee, you have the right to benefits following a workplace injury.
In some cases of workers’ compensation, there comes a time when you should consult with a workers’ compensation attorney about your situation.
You don’t have to settle for less compensation, or no compensation at all.
Here are four reasons why you should hire a workers’ compensation attorney:
- They are familiar with various workers’ compensation laws – there are many different state and federal laws that affect workers’ compensation. It can be difficult to keep up with any changes, and what parts of the laws supersede each other. A workers’ compensation attorney will stay informed so they can best help you with your claim..
- They work on your side – workers’ compensation claims adjusters will often use tactics to get you to say or do something that makes a negative impact on your claim. A workers’ compensation attorney will be a member of your team, and assist with handling stressors that seem beyond your control.
- They will help gather evidence – evidence is an essential piece to any successful workers’ compensation claim. A workers’ compensation attorney can help you build a case with supporting documents, such as medical records, photos, videos, and more.
- They will help protect your rights – there are various ways your rights can be affected during a workers’ compensation claim. It’s not uncommon to be unlawfully fired during your claim, or for payments to be delayed. Hiring a workers’ compensation attorney can help protect you from other issues that may arise during the course of a workers’ comp claim.
Workers’ compensation claims can be denied for a number of reasons. Appealing a denied workers’ compensation claim is a complex situation, requiring legal expertise to get positive results.
Therefore, it is highly recommended that you work with our Los Angeles Workers’ Compensation Attorneys to help with a claim.
There are a variety of potential claims that a workers’ compensation attorney may help you, including injuries caused from:
- Slips on wet surfaces or falls from elevated areas.
- Construction accidents that result from being struck by an object or trapped between large materials.
- Fatigue and overexertion, often the result of physically pushing oneself at work.
- Heavy machinery accidents
- Car or truck accidents that result in serious injuries.
- Falling or moving objects that can crush a victim.
Common injuries employees suffer after one of these causes include:
- Whiplash, or other neck injuries
- Cuts and lacerations
- Broken or fractured bones
- Back injuries like fractured vertebrae or a herniated disc
- Sprains and strains
- Spinal cord injuries.
- Loss of limbs
- Concussions and other head injuries
- Internal organ damage
- Internal bleeding
- Wrongful death
Benefits an employee may receive include:
- Medical care benefits – doctor visits or other medical bills are compensable.
- Temporary disability benefits – this will cover two-thirds of the gross (pre-tax) wages you lose as you are out of work recovering.
- Permanent disability benefits – covers benefits if you cannot return to work/completely recover following your injury.
- Supplemental job displacement benefits – some employees are eligible to receive a voucher that can assist them with job retraining or skill enhancement.
- Death benefits – eligible dependents such as children, spouse, etc. can receive benefits following your death.
If you’re having issues with a workers’ compensation claim, you should contact a workers’ compensation attorney in Los Angeles. At C&B Law Group, our team will work to bring you the justice you deserve.
Contact us today to speak with our workers’ compensation team free of charge.