What are the Main Causes of Car Crashes in Los Angeles?
Car crashes are frequent in Los Angeles
According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, there are over 6.5 million registered drivers in Los Angeles county. That’s double the city of Los Angeles’ population.
With the roads and freeways seldom lonely, it’s prime territory for accidents. With varying causes, here is a list of reasons you may find yourself in a car crashes:
Distracted Drivers are a major cause of car crashes. Angelenos are almost always on the go, and with heavy traffic and long commutes, it’s common to see other drivers on their phone.
According to GoSafelyCA.org, phone usage while driving increased 38 percent at the onset of the pandemic. Using a phone can cause distracted driving, leading drivers to take their eyes off the road.
Distracted driving can also include:
- Eating
- Getting ready (fixing hair/beard, applying makeup, etc.)
- Reaching for an item on the floor
- Putting on or removing clothing items
- Conversing with passengers
- Upset children
- Traveling at Dangerous Speeds – Although usually crowded from traffic, LA area freeways can have speeding drivers. For more than two decades, speeding has been involved in around one-third of all motor vehicle accidents. A combination of other causes, like the ones previously mentioned, can increase the risk for traffic related incidents while speeding.
Driving at a high speed around curves, wet pavements, or through traffic signals may also expand the likelihood of an accident.
- Drugs or Alcohol – Of all 2017 California DUI arrests, 20.3% occurred in Los Angeles County. With almost a quarter of inebriated arrests taking place in the LA area, it’s important to be cautious with dangerous drivers traveling at the same time.
According to MADD, signs of a drunk driver may include:
- Quick acceleration
- Tailgating
- Weaving or zig-zagging across the road
- Driving anywhere other than on a road designated for vehicles
- Almost striking an object, curb, or other vehicle
- Stopping without cause or erratic braking
- Drifting in and out of traffic lanes
- Slow response to traffic signals (e.g. sudden stop or delayed start)
- Driving with headlights off at night
- Swerving
- Driving slower than 10 mph below the speed limit
- Turning abruptly or illegally
- Driving into opposing traffic on the wrong side of the road
- Aggressive Driving – Sitting in traffic for long periods of time can be frustrating, and drivers will often take their anger out on others sharing the road with them. Often known as road rage, signs can include:
- Yelling/Shouting
- Obscene gestures
- Forcing another driver off the road
- Taunting/Intimidation
- Physical attacks
- The CDC found that driving while fatigued can increase the likelihood of a sleep-related crash by up to five times. Tips for preventing sleep related incidents on the road include:
- Getting enough sleep (7-9 hours each day).
- Creating an environment for a good night’s sleep (dark, cool, electronic free)
- If you feel fatigued while driving, “pull over, drink a cup of coffee, or take a 15-30 minute nap before continuing”
- Keep tabs on not only yourself, but your co-workers, for signs of fatigue.
- Report instances of fatigue in yourself and others to your supervisor.
Remember that adequate sleep is needed for success, and should not be reflected in a poor job performance.
Do any of these accidents sound familiar?
If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident, our Los Angeles Attorneys at C&B Law Group are here to help. Our car accident lawyers have years of experience helping victims like you receive proper compensation. Whether you were hit by a drunk driver, or suffered through an incident with road rage, our Los Angeles Accident Attorneys are dedicated to bringing you justice.
Our philosophy is simple:
- You don’t pay unless we win
- Your consultation is free
- We are committed to excellence
Recovering from a car accident can be a grueling process, both mentally and physically. Our LA Attorneys will help you through the difficulties of dealing with insurance companies to get your deserved settlement.
Contact us today – (866) 747-7333