
Fatal Workplace Injuries Amongst Hispanic or Latino Workers – How a 25 Percent Increase Should Impact the Way You Work

September 6, 2023

Fatal Workplace Injuries Amongst Hispanic or Latino Workers – How a 25 Percent Increase Should Impact the Way You Work

Hispanic or Latino Workers after an injury

According to a study by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Hispanic or Latino workers accounted for almost a quarter of all fatal workplace injuries

In fact, there has been a 25 percent increase in fatal workplace injuries amongst Hispanic or Latino workers since 2017. Hispanic or Latino workers saw the highest uptick of any race or ethnicity. 

Another recent study shows that California had the second-highest number of Hispanic or Latino worker deaths, trailing only Texas.

People of Hispanic or Latino descent account for 49.1% of the population in Los Angeles county. That’s more Hispanic or Latino residents than any other county in the United States.

Hispanic or Latino workers take great pride in their occupations. However, there is always a chance of injury or fatality.

This leaves us with a question – what can Hispanic or Latino workers do to remain safe while on the job?  There are a few tips that can help promote your well-being.

  • Always follow posted signs – Oftentimes, signs are put up to help notify workers of potential risks, such as tripping or falling hazards. Ignoring them can significantly increase the chances of danger.
  • Wear protective gear – If you work in construction, for example, it’s important to wear the necessary safety equipment designed to shield you on the job. Putting on a protective helmet or goggles could be the deciding factor as to whether or not you are injured.
  • Avoid horseplay – It’s common to form an almost sibling-like relationship with your coworkers. While there may be minor jokes or jabs, other activities like wrestling or play fighting can result in serious injury. It’s also important to remember that these injuries are not covered by workers’ compensation.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions – asking questions can only raise your awareness of potential workplace dangers. Ask questions of your supervisor, as well as your colleagues, so you can stay up to date with what is going on and keep yourself, and others, safe.
  • Take regular breaks – Workers often feel the need to push themselves through designated break periods, especially if work is piling up.  However, it’s important to pause your workday, even if only for a few minutes. They can help you stay alert and focus on the task at hand.
  • Report unsafe conditions – If you notice something that could put you and your colleagues safety in jeopardy., report it to your supervisor immediately. Follow-up with them and make sure that your request is handled. You and your fellow employees have the right to a safe working environment.

While fatal workplace injuries amongst Hispanic or Latino workers could lead to a wrongful death claim, a workplace injury that doesn’t result in death is generally more likely.  

If you were injured at work, you may have a workers’ compensation case. 

Hispanic or Latino workers can suffer various injuries on the job

Workers’ compensation is a state-mandated legal remedy that helps those who suffer work-related injuries receive payment. It exists to both help and protect employees and employers during the uncertainty that follows a workplace injury.

Some of the most common occupations that see workers’ compensation cases include:

  • Construction
  • Healthcare  
  • Farming
  • Manufacturing

However, there are potential work hazards at many other occupations, like retail or office work.

Frequent workplace injuries may include:

Hispanic or Latino workers injured on the job may qualify for four different types of compensation benefits: 

  • Medical benefits
  • Disability benefits (both temporary and permanent)
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Death benefits for surviving dependents.

At C&B Law Group, our work injury lawyers are committed to helping you with your case.

We have a dedicated staff familiar with the various state regulations for workers’ compensation. For example, did you know the statute of limitations for a workers’ compensation claim in California is one year?

Your initial consultation with C&B Law Group is free, and you won’t have to pay us until we win your case.

If you believe you have a workplace injury case, contact us today. 

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