March 8, 2024
Why Should I Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney? 4 Reasons a Lawyer Can Help
A workers’ compensation attorney can help assist you in the event of issues with a workers’ compensation claim. A workers’ compensation attorney can help you get compensated for on-the-job injuries after a specific workplace injury accident or illness. Workers’ compensation is a state-mandated legal remedy that helps injured workers recover benefits following an injury on the job. Workers’ compensation helps protect both employ...
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February 26, 2024
3 Tips to Help Avoid Forklift Accidents in Southern California
Forklift accidents can lead to serious injuries for those involved. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), forklift accidents were the source of 70 work-related deaths in 2021 and 7,290 nonfatal injuries involving days away from work in 2020. Forklifts are generally used in warehouses and construction sites. They include a platform at the front, and they can be both raised and lowered to lift heavy materials and transport these ...
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February 16, 2024
5 Big Myths About Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Workers’ compensation benefits are available to eligible workers who suffer injuries on the job. Workers’ compensation benefits can help provide temporary or even permanent assistance for injured employees. However, there are several myths regarding workers compensation benefits. While many might be true, others aren’t, and the belief that these ideas are real can hinder someone’s likelihood of filing a claim. I can’t choose...
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January 17, 2024
4 Common Myths About Traumatic Brain Injuries – Number 3 May Surprise You
It’s estimated that there are over 200,000 TBI-related hospitalizations each year. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are extremely dangerous, and oftentimes deadly. There were nearly 70,000 traumatic brain injury deaths in 2021. Any sudden bump, jolt, or blow to the head could lead to a traumatic brain injury. Some of the most common symptoms may include: Frequent headaches Vision complications Difficulty with concentration...
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January 3, 2024
Do Independent Contractors Qualify for Workers’ Compensation? 5 Unique Differences With Employees
Independent contractors are classified as a special type of worker. According to the IRS, independent contractors are generally defined by whether or not the “payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done”. Simply put, independent contractors are hired to work for a company as a non-employee. Independent contractors and employees have different sets of rules ...
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January 3, 2024
3 Ways Distracted Employees can Injure Their Coworkers
Many on-the-job injuries are self-caused, but distracted employees can injure not only themselves, but others as well. Distracted employees can pose a great danger for their colleagues. 70 percent of all workers admit to feeling distracted at work, with 16 percent saying they are “almost always distracted”. There are a number of potential workplace injuries, including: Broken bones Neck pain and serious neck Injuries ...
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December 26, 2023
Workplace Head Injuries – 5 Ways Employees May Suffer Breaks, Burns, or Cuts
Workplace head injuries are an extremely common, extremely dangerous, injury amongst employees. There were over 68,000 workplace head injuries amongst US employees in 2020. This is an 11 percent increase since 2011. Over half of all workplace head injuries involved male employees. The average age was between 25-34 years old. Workplace head injuries can lead to severe ramifications, including: Concussions: generally the result of ...
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December 15, 2023
What are My Rights if I was Laid off After a Work Injury? 5 Ways to Document Your Case
A work injury can be taxing on the victim for many reasons. The National Safety Council (NSC) reported that work-related medically consulted injuries totaled 4.26 million in 2021. One who suffers a work injury is generally entitled to workers’ compensation benefits (exceptions might include independent contractors). Workers’ comp can help injured employees recover lost wages or medical bills. Some industries with the most preventab...
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December 4, 2023
3 Types of Workplace Eye Injuries and Their Painful Effects
Workplace eye injuries can be catastrophic to victims. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that about 2,000 employees suffer workplace eye injuries requiring medical treatment everyday. This results in 730,000 workplace eye injuries each year, an alarming stat for workers. The human eye is the second most complex part of the body after the brain. It’s made up of many unique parts, including the cornea, iris,...
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November 29, 2023
Can I Recover Lost Wages if I’m Self-Employed? 5 Documents You Can Use to Verify
Studies from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimate that over 10 million Americans are self-employed. That number continues to exponentially increase following the COVID-19 Pandemic. There are many reasons why workers enjoy being self-employed. Self-employed workers can ditch a traditional 9-5. Self-employed workers are their own boss. They do not have to answer to another person. A self-employed worker is usuall...
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