
How Can Social Media Posts be Used in a Personal Injury Case? 3 Tips to Help with Privacy

February 14, 2023

How Can Social Media Posts be Used in a Personal Injury Case? 3 Tips to Help with Privacy

Social Media Users

An estimated 72.3 percent of the United States population uses social media

Social media has changed the way we communicate.  From a Tweet praising your favorite ice cream shop to an Instagram post of your cat, we’re constantly sharing aspects from our daily lives via these platforms. Facebook alone had 2.85 billion users worldwide in 2021.

The dangers of social media have often been discussed in movies and other forms of entertainment.  While you may be aware of the effects these platforms can have on employment or friendships, it can also potentially have negative ramifications on your personal injury case.

It’s true – many attorneys and insurance companies have started scouring social media sites for information that could dispute a claim. If you are currently pursuing a case, one of the last things you want is to give others any further fuel to ramp up a claim against you, or even dispute it.

A social media post might be used against you in a personal injury claim.  There is nothing protecting your social media posts. When you share something via social media, you are putting it out for others to see, including those who may use it for consequences that make a negative impact on you.

Imagine this situation- 

Evan works at a retail store. One day when stocking jeans in the backroom, he falls and injures his leg.  Evan claims his leg is so injured, he cannot work.  

Not long after the injury, Evan posts a photo to Instagram that reveals he went skateboarding at the park near Venice Beach. An attorney or insurance company has the right to use this information as photographic evidence against Evan that he wasn’t as injured as he previously claimed. 

Social Media users gathered on their phones

Social media safety and etiquette is important.  If you’re involved with a personal injury case, here are three tips to help keep you and your claim safe from social media hazards:

  1. Be cautious of your privacy settings on each app – there are various privacy levels that can limit who and how much another person can see of your profiles. Be aware of your current settings, and be willing to change them.
  2. If your profiles are already set to private, be aware of any new requests from unknown followers.  It’s common for social media users to accept followers and friend requests from anyone, just out of kindness, or with the goal of making new friends. However, there’s a possibility someone is requesting to follow you as a way to check for possible damaging information or photos.
  3. If you are unsure about how to change privacy settings, or don’t want to, it might be best to temporarily stay off of social media. A social media detox may help clear your mind following a personal injury. 

Whether your social media posts are potentially dangerous or not, the Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at C&B Law Group are here to help with your injury claim. 

We won’t hide behind filters or privacy settings. Our attorneys will do everything within their legal power to make sure your case is headed in the right direction. Our goal is to bring you justice and proper compensation.

Some of the most common personal injury claims in California include:

We work on a contingency fee basis, so we won’t charge you a penny unless we’re successful in recovering compensation from your case. The amount charged will be a predetermined percentage of the total settlement or award recovered. 

If you or a loved one were recently injured, contact our LA attorneys today about your free consultation. 

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