
4 Steps That can Help Prove Another Car was at Fault in an Accident – Number 4 May Surprise You

June 29, 2023

4 Steps That can Help Prove Another Car was at Fault in an Accident – Number 4 May Surprise You

car crash - admitting fault can be detrimental to a case

Sometimes, proving fault in an accident can be a more difficult challenge. 

If you were recently in a car accident that was not your fault, there are four steps you can take that may help you claim your innocence. 

  1. Gather evidence – Evidence can be a crucial element in proving you weren’t at fault in an accident. You should document the scene of the accident with photos and videos. Use your phone to gather this media. Take pictures of the car post-accident and the surrounding area to capture any conditions (like weather or hazards in the road).
  2. Talk to witnesses – If there was anyone around during the accident, get their information. Having a witness who can provide an unbiased account of the events can be a big help to your claim.
  3. Get a police report – It’s important to call the police after an accident.  The officer tending to the scene will gather information for a police report. This can be used as evidence as well, since it will have detailed accounts of the accident and info surrounding what happened. Furthermore, it will be from a third-party source without ties to the accident.
  4. Don’t admit fault to the other party – An accident can be extremely stressful, and you may feel put on the spot. Whatever you do, admitting fault (especially if it wasn’t your fault) can be detrimental to your case. Furthermore, you don’t have to blame the other driver. Simply gather their information and leave the rest to an attorney.

Car accidents are frequent in the Golden State. A recent study by the California Highway Patrol found that there were over 187,000 car crashes with injuries in the state of California

There are many common causes of accidents – 

  • Traffic – Heavy traffic flows can cause frustration amongst drivers. Other drivers may zig zag between lanes, increasing a risk for accidents.
  • Vehicle malfunctions – A tire blowout or pedal breaking can lead a driver to crash their car.
  • Driving distracted – If a driver isn’t paying attention to the road ahead, focusing more on their phone, or other passengers, they may get distracted, leading to a crash.
  • Driving fatigued, or “drowsy driving – One of the leading causes of accidents, drowsy drivers who lack sleep lose a lot of cognitive functions, and could find themselves in a crash.
  • Driving intoxicated – It is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Impaired driving from intoxication could lead to an accident.

car accident - there are a number of ways to prove fault

Common injuries as a result from car accidents – 

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain 
  • Neck injury
  • Back injury
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Cuts and lacerations 
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage 
  • Scarring and disfigurement 
  • Wrongful death

In a car accident, it’s usually easy to prove fault.  It’s also not uncommon for someone who hits you to be in denial about the situation. They may also have their insurance company pass the blame. 

Trying to negotiate with an insurance company is rarely an easy task. Insurance companies are known to pull tactics that are not in your best interest. 

If you were in an accident and need legal advice on how to prove that you aren’t the guilty party, contact the Los Angeles accident attorneys at C&B Law Group.

Starting with your free consultation, we will listen to your case and determine a strategy to best tackle the problem. From there, we will fight within our legal power to bring you the best possible compensation. You do not have to pay a penny on legal fees to us until we win your case. 

We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients. Contact our LA car accident attorneys now to set up an appointment.

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