
Film Set Injuries – 9 Ways Making Movies Can Lead to Critical Injuries

April 20, 2023

Film Set Injuries – 9 Ways Making Movies Can Lead to Critical Injuries

director reviews shot - film set injuries can happen at any time

You’ve probably seen, or maybe been a part of, a film set in Los Angeles.  Afterall, what would LA be without Hollywood? 

Being on a film set is common in this city, and it’s profitable for the state.

According to the California Film Commission, the film and television industry brings nearly $70 billion dollars in wages to the Golden State. Directors, writers, and on-screen talent move to the City of Angels with hopes of making it big in film or TV.

While the industry looks like glitz and glamor on screen, behind the scenes, there are long hours from all the talented artists involved on set.

Occasionally, there are injuries – grips can be electrocuted, and production assistants may trip on loose cords

Unfortunately, some film and tv set accidents have resulted in death:

  • In July 1982, actor Vic Morrow and child actors Myca Dinh Le and Renee Shin-Yi Chen were killed after an on-set incident involving a helicopter on the set of Twilight Zone: The Movie. The families of the children sued the filmmakers, who were brought to trial.
  • In October 1984, actor Jon-Erik Hexum played Russian roulette during a break on the set of Cover Up. Unaware of the danger a blank can still cause, he suffered blunt-force trauma and hemorrhaging, passing away six days after the accident.
  • In March 1993, actor Brandon Lee was accidentally killed on the set of The Crow. His mother filed a lawsuit against the makers of the film for their negligence.
  • In October 2021, cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed in an accident on the set of Rust, leading her family to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Injuries on film sets can be unpredictable. Common injuries on film sets may include:

  • Tripping on various cables or electric wiring
  • Injuries involving explosives or special effects
  • Car accidents
  • Electrocution
  • Falls from ladders, or other high places
  • Falling equipment, such as lights or c-stands
  • Stunt accidents
  • Cuts or lacerations
  • Overexertion

There are insurance policies for major film sets.  The California Film Commission states:

Production companies requesting to film on state owned or operated property must submit all of the following insurance documentation when applying for a film permit. 

Still photography, film, digital or new media without automobiles: 

  • Certificate(s) of Insurance (COI) as evidence of General Liability coverage in the amount not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence. 
  • A separate additional insured endorsement for the COI with the following wording: “the State of California, including its officers, agents and employees is named as additional insured, with respect to liability arising out of the operations related to filming on California state owned or operated property.” 
  • Workers Compensation: State law requires companies provide proof of worker’s compensation coverage.  If a company has no employees the company may submit a Workers Compensation waiver letter.  

If you have an automobile, the company should provide all the aforementioned documents, plus:

  • Automobile Liability “Owned,” “Hired” and “Non-Owned” coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for each accident.

Crew gathers on set - film set injuries are possible

If you were injured on a film set, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact our Los Angeles injury lawyers at C&B Law Group

Some injury areas our group of LA personal injury attorneys see on a frequent basis include:

We won’t hide behind makeup or the special effects department.  Our award-winning lawyers will work to try getting you the maximum compensation possible. 

We have offices on Olympic Boulevard in Downtown Los Angeles, as well as on Burbank Boulevard in Burbank

Whether you were on the lot in Burbank or on location in Santa Monica, we’re on your side to help with your film set injury claim.

Contact our attorneys today about a free consultation

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