
What is Premises Liability? 4 Big Ways Negligence Can Take it’s Toll on Your Claim

enero 16, 2025

What is Premises Liability? 4 Big Ways Negligence Can Take it’s Toll on Your Claim

A Premises liability case could involve a slip and fall on a wet surface

Premises liability involves personal injury cases that occur on someone else’s property. 

Similar to other personal injury claims, responsabilidad de las instalaciones is based on negligence.

Según la Asociación Americana de Abogados, negligence liability “stems from careless or thoughtless conduct or a failure to act” how a “reasonable person would have acted”. Negligent conduct occurs when a person “falls below a legally recognized standard of taking reasonable care under the circumstances to protect others from harm”.

A business has a deber de diligencia to keep customers safe. Failure to do so would qualify as negligence.

In 2021, the parents of an 18-year old man filed a suit after their son was stabbed to death by his colleague in the Rose Bowl parking lot.  The suit claimed premises liability and negligent hiring, stating that the company “should have known they were hiring dangerous employees”.

It also states that there wasn’t enough medical aid available, which contributed to the man’s death. There is no other information regarding the outcome of the case at this time. 

A successful claim for personal injury cases involving premises liability must prove:

  • La parte negligente controlaba los locales
  • La parte negligente no se preocupó para la propiedad
  • El demandante fue herido 
  • El demandado negligencia causó las lesiones sufridas por el demandante

Another major type of premises liability case is a accidente por resbalón y caída. Resbalones y caídas can occur seemingly anywhere, at any time, and to anyone. 

Some of the more frequent causes of slip and falls include: 

  • Suelos mojados o irregulares 
  • Moqueta o suelo suelto 
  • Broken walkways and staircases
  • Faltan pasamanos

Other common personal injury cases that fall under premises liability are:

A personal injury involving Premises liability may occur on an escalator

It’s important to remember that just because someone is injured on another person’s property no automatically mean they have a premises liability claim.

They must have proof that the property owner knew or should have known that there were unsafe conditions, or that they could have even prevented the hazards.

Many different types of injuries are possible, including:

  • Serious neck injuries that can lead to immediate pain or future complications
  • Huesos rotos o fracturas
  • Esguinces y distensiones
  • Serious head injuries which can cause a traumatic brain injury, or may lead to chronic headaches
  • Deep cuts, wounds or lacerations that cause permanent scarring
  • Serious back pain which may stop you from participating in physical activities
  • Internal organ damage, such as punctures to your kidneys or liver
  • Loss of function in one or more areas of your body
  • Hemorragia interna
  • Muerte por negligencia

If you were injured on another person’s property, contact the Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at C&B Law Group. Our team of personal injury lawyers is prepared to help you following a case involving premises liability.

En C&B Law Group, we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t charge you cualquier cosa unless we’re successful in recovering compensation for your case. The amount we charge after a settlement is reached will be a predetermined percentage of the total that our team recovers for you.

The amount you receive can vary, since every personal injury case is unique to its situation. We generally will pursue daños incluyendo:

  • Pérdida de salario
  • Gastos médicos
  • Dolor y sufrimiento

A premises liability case can be tricky, but you shouldn’t have to feel the burden after you were injured on someone else’s property. Let our attorneys work with you to build a solid claim against the negligent party. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us for your personal injury case.  We offer consultas gratuitas, so reach out today!

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